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Pages of the app, with a brief ddescription, are attached above.


It's the Button post page. Here you can see complete Button's data, Network's ButtonTemplate specific fields included. Also you can find the Button's Feed, with all the conversation and activity related to the Button. You can access this page from any shared link to the button or through the Explore page.


Button creation form. Fields inside change depending on the ButtonTemplate associated with the Network.


Page for customizing user account. Administrate profile options, security, notifications, user's Networks, etc.


Explore is the main view. It's the page where you can see the HelpButtons -the posts- in different views and with different filters. The different views and filters are configurable in the Network's options section in creator user's Config view. These types of view are:

Types of views in Explore page:#

Only Map#

Shows Buttons on map and on a list displayed on top of the map. User can click on polygonal zones drawn over the map to display in the list Buttons included in that area. When the map has a maximum zoom, depending on the pin creator setting, user can see also the pins in the area and select them.

Map with list by pins#

Shows Buttons on map view and a list component displaying a summary of the Buttons on top. Buttons are selectable by pins displayed over the map and on the list, summaries.

Only list#

Buttons are shown on a list filtered by place, type, tags or any other filter depending on the Network's ButtonTemplate.


All questions and info useful for the user can be foundd and placed here.


Welcome page with access to Button's search by place and Netowrk's selection and creation menu. In order, this view displays:

  • Name and description of the network
  • A list of the Administrator user of the Network
  • A list of the Network's most used tags of the

For first time-new Helpbuttons installation, the user would be asked to create a Network in this view.


Already registered user access.


Welcome screen for new private Network's users. User sees a question about acceptting entering the app or not.


Create new network. The registered user becomes the creator and administrator. The user choose basic info just to create a Network that can be later modified in the User's Config page.


Displays a feed of all user's activity. Included all Buttons' interactions and user changes to the account.


User's account related info. it's a card with all the custom User's info and photos. Access to Config page.


Password recovery page accessible only from the recovery email. Inset new password twiice.


Ddisplays a list of all the elements andd components of the app. Used for ddesign purposes only.


User's registration page.